Those bosses found in the randomly-generated Cover Image


Those bosses found in the randomly-generated

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20-01-28 - 12:00

If you want to maximize your characters -- and maximizing your character is actually what Diablo is about You'll need an abundance of legendary gems. You need to locate the right ones to fit your specific build, roll high star ratings, upgrade the gems you own and, eventually, to slot in the additional resonance slots. It's endless. Among Diablo Immortal's plethora of currency, upgrade paths, and reward system, legendary gems are the ones where the business model is at its the most. Blizzard and NetEase haven't been so extravagant as to market them directly via a loot boxes or gacha system, but what they've come up with is somehow, even more troubling. Legendary gems are only dropped by those bosses found in the randomly-generated Elder Rift dungeons, and you can only guarantee a legendary gem drop by applying an legendary crest modifier the dungeon in advance of starting it. If not, the drop rates for gems with legendary status are extremely low.

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