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Start date
02-02-24 - 12:00


End date
22-02-24 - 12:00

Also, you should always be prepared to Frost Fever from decays or thundercloud from warrior. This way you'll always have that slow on the boss that'll activate torment the weak and unfortunately we just don't have the points to be able to afford it. There is another spec that I'll discuss afterward that could be stronger , but it could be a smaller for single targets but if you drop living bomb after which you'll be able to use it anytime. You'll have to switch between the specs just to be sure you're ready for bosses because advertising will want living bomb and Firestarter.

The fire itself is so much fun The wrath and wrath of the lich king highly recommend that you test this pre patch If you've not tried it before, it gives you the opportunity to try it out. You're getting the basics here. You're going to the bottom of the frost trees, and receiving precision which is awesome. It's rare to get the anger Lich King , but you might, as you were not able to go all the way down into the torment this week, you can gain the precision. If you get Firestarter, you're getting almost everything else you'd like , except for Master of elements.

It's fine because mana isn't a big problem in some walls, and considering that for preparation makes sense to start from three. Make sure you're playing fire pyromaniac or any of the damage capabilities. And this spec should definitely pump on trashand do pretty well on bosses as well as well particularly if the walls an absence of advertisements. The other option you can use against is fire is. This is why I only recommend this to bosses.

Actually, I don't recommend going to the other way. It's switching between like arcane and different fire building. But if you really wanted to, you can use this tool to test it out with a single goal. Then it descends into the tree of arcane to pick up torment for the duration of the.

And it gives up the living bomb Firestarter and burnout as well, that's right it's a lot to give up. It is true that you'll get that 12% of damage to your firewall on the pirate glasses, and that's big. There's no sim to use with the patch. So I'm not sure. I'm just playing around with a level at sim it seems that this could be a little bit better on only one goal. If there's no cleave, or what. However, there's no way that we can at all.
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